


2、 水泥廠、電廠、大型乙烯製造廠、飛機製造廠、鋼廠、船廠等地的罐體,石油管道、地下設施的防火保溫和隔音降噪。1、用於屋頂、牆面和地面的保溫隔音,以降低能源消耗和消除噪音。3、鋼結構廠區的建設屋頂彩鋼保溫、以及活動板房的夾層內填充材料。 致力于打造高端品牌產品。目前玻璃棉、硅酸鈣、橡塑在國際市場享有品牌。公司順利通過ISO9001:2000國際質量體系認証, 並獲得"產品質量國家免檢"証書,企業連續被評為河北省重合同守信用 、河北省 高新技術企業、國家推薦建材企業、中國絕熱隔音材料協會副會長單位、產品連續榮獲河北省優質產品証書,國家建材防火環保標誌使用証書。 產品遍銷全國各地,並出口美國、俄羅斯、日本及東南亞等國家,泰恆保溫建材有限公司不懈努力,以開創節能環保型保溫絕熱材料市場,打造高品質產品,以優質的服務回報社會!


rock wool board is made of select fine basalt as the major materials which is pulled into 4-7µ non-continuous fibers after melted by adopting advanced international four-roller centrifugal cotton-making procedures and adding a certain of adhesives, dust laying oil and water repellent into rock wool fibers. It can be made into products series with different density according to various uses through the technology of sedimentation, solidify, cutting and etc.

Scope of application:
Petrochemical industry -- heat insulation and sound absorption of equipments for petroleum industry, power industry and chemical industry.
Construction industry -- heat insulation and sound absorption of partition, curtain wall, roofs and fences for construction.
Mining industry -- heat preservation and fireproof for industrial kiln, oven, large-caliber storage tank and shipping.
Product specifications:
